
Testing (and fixing) the Maintenance Utilities

With the wiki up and stable for a couple of weeks now, it was time to try to push some limits. To do this, I downloaded a dump of the English Wikipedia. The command-line tool ImportDump.php works for a while (albeit slower than I would have liked). Here's what prints to the console:
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wiki193\mediawiki\maintenance>"C:\Program Files\Zend\Core\bin
\php.exe" ImportDump.php s:\enwiki-20070402-pages-articles.xml
100 (3.27 pages/sec 3.27 revs/sec)
200 (1.90 pages/sec 1.90 revs/sec)
300 (1.40 pages/sec 1.40 revs/sec)
400 (1.13 pages/sec 1.13 revs/sec)
500 (1.04 pages/sec 1.04 revs/sec)
600 (1.01 pages/sec 1.01 revs/sec)
700 (0.79 pages/sec 0.79 revs/sec)
800 (0.74 pages/sec 0.74 revs/sec)
900 (0.68 pages/sec 0.68 revs/sec)
1000 (0.66 pages/sec 0.66 revs/sec)
1100 (0.63 pages/sec 0.63 revs/sec)
1200 (0.62 pages/sec 0.62 revs/sec)
1300 (0.59 pages/sec 0.59 revs/sec)
1400 (0.59 pages/sec 0.59 revs/sec)
A database query syntax error has occurred.
The last attempted database query was:
from within function "Database::deadlockLoop".
MySQL returned error "3902: e (jmolafbwikidev)"
This turns out to require some fixes in my DatabaseADODB.php. In particular, in the deadlockLoop() method. It also looks like my indexes on the page table need a little tweeking. After that, rebuildrecentchanges.php doesn't want to work at all
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wiki193\mediawiki\maintenance>"C:\Program Files\Zend\Core\bin
\php.exe" rebuildrecentchanges.php
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: wgDBadminuser in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wiki193\med
iawiki\maintenance\rebuildrecentchanges.php on line 15
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: wgDBadminpassword in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wiki193
\mediawiki\maintenance\rebuildrecentchanges.php on line 16
Loading from page and revision tables...
A database query syntax error has occurred.
The last attempted database query was:
"INSERT  INTO [recentchanges] (rc_timestamp,rc_cur_time,rc_user,rc_user_text,rc_
last_oldid,rc_type) SELECT TOP 5000  rev_timestamp,rev_timestamp,rev_user,rev_us
id,rev_id,0, IF(page_is_new != 0, 1, 0)  FROM [page],[revision]   WHERE (rev_tim
estamp > '20070531214411') AND (rev_page=page_id)  ORDER BY rev_timestamp DES
from within function "rebuildRecentChangesTablePass1".
MySQL returned error "170: n (jmolafbwikidev)"
The fix for this is to promote the method conditional from the Database class to the DatabaseADODB class, where it is implemented as:
 function conditional( $cond, $trueVal, $falseVal ) {
  return " CASE WHEN $cond THEN $trueVal ELSE $falseVal END ";
Running again reveals another problem:
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wiki193\mediawiki\maintenance>"C:\Program Files\Zend\Core\bin
\php.exe" rebuildrecentchanges.php
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: wgDBadminuser in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wiki193\med
iawiki\maintenance\rebuildrecentchanges.php on line 15
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: wgDBadminpassword in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wiki193
\mediawiki\maintenance\rebuildrecentchanges.php on line 16
Loading from page and revision tables...
Updating links...
A database query syntax error has occurred.
The last attempted database query was:
"SELECT rev_id FROM [revision] WHERE rev_page=87 AND rev_timestamp<'200706052
02808' ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1"
from within function "".
MySQL returned error "170: n (jmolafbwikidev)"
It looks like we need to add some alternative SQL to rebuildRecentChangesTablePass2() in rebuildrecentchanges.inc as follows:
if ( $wgDBtype == 'adodb' ) {
 $sql2 = "SELECT TOP 1 rev_id FROM $revision " .
  "WHERE rev_page={$lastCurId} ".
  "AND rev_timestamp < '{$emit}' ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC";
} else {
 $sql2 = "SELECT rev_id FROM $revision " .
  "WHERE rev_page={$lastCurId} ".
  "AND rev_timestamp<'{$emit}' ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1";
And that fixes it.

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